There are data collection profiles for 56 service areas and for the State as a whole. Counts are provided by the service area for the named MSDS collection. When a count is five or less, the count and percent are “masked” (**) for confidentiality purposes. The percentages for Snapshot, Period, and Age counts are “percent served” based on Michigan birth data. The percentages for Eligibility Reasons variables is the percent of children who were determined eligible under that particular code or set of codes. The percentages for other variables shows the percent for a specific code within the variable. So, for example, the sum of percentages for the Home, Community Based, and Other codes in the Setting variable is 100%.
The Services sections show the 6 dominant services actually provided with counts of children, contacts, and hours served. The contacts per child and hours per child are adjusted based on the calculation of the average number of enrolled days for each service in each service area.
The counts for Indicators 6-Percent Served Birth-3; 5-Percent Served Birth-1; and 2-Natural Setting, submitted to OSEP in the Annual Performance Report (APR) and the 618 Child Count Table, are based on the Fall (October) collection. The APR calculations for compliance indicators 1-Timely Start of Service; 7-Timely Initial IFSP; 8a-Transition IFSP; and 8c-Transition Conference use the School Year report, which merges records from the Fall, Spring and End of Year collection for the given school year. The APR calculations for Indicator 3 are based on the School Year report plus all prior Assessment and Initial IFSP entries. Indicator 4 values are based on family surveys. The counts and percentages for Indicators 3 and 4 are provided by Early On grantee Wayne State University and are only shown for June data profiles.
Ranks are all done with 1 for the largest percentage and 56 for the smallest. Ties in ranks (these mostly occur when multiple service areas have 0% or 100%) are settled by highest number of children served, then by lowest ISD code.
There are Single Collection and Trend views of Rankings for specific variables. Select the Rankings tab in the menu at the top of the screen access the Ranking selection screen. Select the Profiles button to return.
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